Mind Patrols second album called "Milking the Masses" will be released in February on Sonic Attack Records / SPV.

The Corona crisis stopped further activities in the tracks und the band decided to use the time off in 2020 to record their new album "Milking The Masses" with Toni Watzinger as producer at Music Passion Studio in Biel, Switzerland. Three single releases in late 2020 and 2021 bridged the time inbetween albums and helped to consolidate the Metal fan base with three powerful videos which accompanied the singles "Liars To Impale" (2020) followed by "Hell On Earth" (spring 2021) and "Habits Over Ethics" (fall 2021).
„The soon to be released album "Milking The Masses" shows Mind Patrol in their prime presenting powerful thrash metal with catchy hooklines and progressive influences."
The lyrics are a mirror of scary times where the old system we have been living under is shaken to it's core. The album adresses the dystopian tendencies we are all facing now, threatening a future of digital slavery modeled on the chinese way of people control. The album cover art of "Milking The Masses" reflects this and S.O.S., the pre-album release Single (out 4.2.2022) , will deliver a visual punch showing people chained like farm animals and connected to tubes and other high tech atrocities, aptly visualising a horrifying future.
With "Milking The Masses", Mind Patrol have come to stay, and as soon as regular live shows are possible again (hopefully spring/summer 2022), the four Swiss guys will blow your head off live!